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Director Jessica Cofield


Sunday Morning Worship
Nursery - Ages 5 and under
S.W.A.G - Juniors (ages 6-8), Youth (ages 9-12)
Teen (ages 13 and up)


Tutoring Session - Wednesday Night - 6:00pm
Youth Bible Study - Wednesday Night - 7:00pm


The Youth Department needs volunteers.

Mission Statement:


To build young minds for the Lord by Equipping, Teaching, and Training in a Christian atmosphere.


Train up a child in the way they should go,

And when they are old they will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6 


We are a Christ-centered, biblical-based, ministry motivated church who has committed itself to the Great Commission and daily growing together in Christ.


(972) 542 - 6178 (Main) 

Deacon on Call (469) 989 - 6676

1308 Wilcox Street
McKinney, TX 75069

Worship Opportunities:

Life Groups  9:30 AM

Worship Celebration  10:45 AM  (In Person & Virtual)

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